The key idea of this document is to increase the strategic value of the flyover by feeding relevant trends into the Departments Strategic Plan after the 2024 elections. Thus, this report is a strategic document (not only data and statistics) that provide strategic information as to where and what changes are happening and the responses/interventions that need to be facilitated by WCDoA management and their respective teams.
Considering the implication of the FlyOver trends it is important to identify mega-trends and trend breaks in agriculture for the foreseeable future. The following trend breaks are discussed in detail in this report:
- Geo-political Instability
- Post Covid 19
- 4th Industrial revolution and changes in consumer behaviour
- Changing consumer behaviours and a desire to be planet friendly and intrinsically connected are the tipping point in a shift from scale and silos to a personalized and linked ecosystem: Re-imagining the future of food systems
In addition, the impact of the trends on economic, social and political systems and the impact on future food systems are discussed.
Several sources were consulted to consider the SWOT for the major agricultural commodities and also for districts where they are available. These SWOT analysis are then consolidated as a SWOT for Western Cape agriculture by also considering the key trends of the FlyOver.
Read the full report here.