Production Economics
With the change of the nature of competitiveness from land labour and capital to information and knowledge, the root of global agricultural competitiveness is embodied in farming systems and farm management practices. This division research and analyse the relative competitiveness of local farming systems and management practices in relation to international best practice. Due emphasis is also placed on resource issues with prominence given to alternative and sustainable uses of scarce natural resources. The results of these actions are wrapped in advice packages and disseminated to the whole spectrum of clients.
Bongiswa Matoti
Tel: +27 21 808 5213
Development Finance
The Production Economics division has an area that focuses on development finance.
Enterprise Budgets
Agricultural Economic Services has a wide range of enterprise budgets for most of the commodities in the Western Cape.
Financial Planning & Analysis
evaluating businesses plans, financial statements, and any other finance related transactions to determine their performance and suitability.
Financial Record Keeping
The Department of Agriculture Western Cape can advise and support you with your FRK implementation plan.