Loerie Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please tick the relevant options. Work station:Regional Departmental OfficeCollegeElsenburg Head OfficePost level:1 - 45 - 89 - 1213 - 15Are you aware that the department has an internal newsletter, called the Loerie?YesNoDo you enjoy the Loerie newsletter? YESPlease provide a reason/s for your answer.Do you enjoy the Loerie newsletter? NOPlease provide a reason/s for your answer.How often do you read the Loerie?Every time (once a quarter)Twice a yearOnce a yearNeverIf you responded never, please elaborate.I don’t receive itI don’t have time to read itI don’t find it interesting and informativeI’m not interested in reading about departmental/staff mattersIt’s old newsPlease indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:The Loerie contributes to a feeling of staff cohesion and morale. AgreeDisagreeThe Loerie contributes towards a feeling of optimism and worth.AgreeDisagreeThe Loerie is an important platform to keep staff abreast of departmental events and happenings. AgreeDisagreeThe Loerie is one of the most important internal communication platforms of the department.AgreeDisagreeI find the articles in the Loerie informative and useful.AgreeDisagreeWhich of the following best describes how you read the Loerie?I read every articleI read some of the articlesI just page through it and look at some headlines and photosI don’t read it at allWhich part of the Loerie do you enjoy most? (Please tick three options only.)Interviews with new management membersDepartmental news such as events heldInternational visits/conferencesNews on staff achievements e.g. awards/degrees receivedNews on staff in a personal capacity, e.g. hobbies, personal sport achievements etc.Staff social page (e.g. weddings, babies born)Staff opinions on particular matters, e.g. how to live a healthier lifeFunny Farm (cartoons)Letter from the EditorIn Memoriam articles (tributes to staff members who have passed away)What do you do with the Loerie after you’ve read it?I throw it away immediatelyI keep it for a while and then throw it awayI cut out articles of interest and then throw it awayI keep it indefinitelyPlease indicate which type of articles you would like to see more and less of in the Loerie.Any other comments/recommendations you would like to share with regards to the Loerie?Submit