Important links
The South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) is the regulatory body for the veterinary and para-veterinary professions in South Africa and has a statutory duty to determine scientific and ethical standards of professional conduct and education.
The Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (S.A.S.V.E.P.M.) was formed at the end of 2000, to promote veterinary epidemiology and preventive medicine in the Southern African region.
The South African Veterinary Association (SAVA) is a professional association of veterinarians in South Africa. It promotes the interests and activities of the veterinary profession and assists veterinarians to fulfil their role in the community.
The South African Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SAALAS) is a non-profit organisation serving South African Scientists involved in the breeding, husbandry and welfare of laboratory animals, and also those individuals at secondary schools, tertiary educational institutions and state and privately owned research institutions using laboratory animals for teaching, research, the production of products and the testing thereof.