Water use reduction or increased efficiencyWater harvesting, recycling, and sustainable groundwater useRestored ecological infrastructureIncreased soil health and resilienceGenetically better adapted species, cultivars, breedsImproved grazing strategies and veld managementMonitoring, precision agriculture, and technological innovationsUse of climate/weather dataBenefits to biodiversity and ecosystem servicesPractices that reduce/re-use/recycle wasteTechnologies that reduce climate stress impactsDiversificationSustainable intensificationSocietal benefitsEducation, training, and skills developmentData development for CSAFarm model for climate impacts

    Soil carbon uptake through Conservation / Regenerative AgricultureSoil carbon uptake through restoration of degraded landsGHG reduction through energy efficiencyGHG reduction through renewable energy sourcesGHG reduction through no till, improved land preparationGHG reduction through precision fertilizer applicationGHG reduction through manure managementGHG reduction through optimised feed and additivesGHG reduction through selective breedingGHG reduction through waste management

    Farmer buy-inFarmer willingness to investWC-DoA investment/actionsLocal Government investment/actionsOther gov. dept. investment/actionsPrivate sector investment/actionsFinancial/insurance sector supportNew infrastructureImproved laws, policies, and regulatory environmentContinued research and data developmentContinued technology development and innovationMarket buy-inEducation and training

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